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Monterey Abalone Co.
Co-owner Art Seavey gave me a tour of their facility which is located beneath the Commercial Wharf in Monterey Bay. According to Art, "the Commercial Wharf, which is owned by the City of Monterey, was constructed in 1926 and its location provides for strong tidal action and surge, which promote good water quality. The configuration of the wharf benefits the farm by shading the abalone growing under it. It also provides superior access to the abalone, electricity to power lighting and equipment, and protection for our farm's workers from the elements. Prior to the arrival of the Monterey Abalone Company the area below the wharf had never been utilized. Now it is an innovative, successful, environmentally-sound work space that generates a number of jobs in a stimulating marine environment while producing some of the finest abalone for resorts, restaurants and individuals across the United States."
Art described how Monterey Abalone Company's custom cultivation system (as shown in the photographs) uses cages suspended in the water column to produce virtually natural abalone habitats. The farm is fully compatible with the local marine environment and resources.
Art said, "they start with “seed” abalone from hatcheries; the seeds are only about an inch in shell length and weigh just a fraction of an ounce. As the abalone grow, the number of abalone per habitat is reduced to maintain desired growth rates. The fastest growing abalone are selected for grow out to the largest sizes. California red abalone can grow as fast as inch per year under optimal conditions. It takes about four years to grow the abalone to market size; at least at 3 ½ inches in shell length and weigh a quarter-pound live weight."
The abalone are fed fresh, hand-harvested giant kelp(Macrocystis). The kelp is harvested each week from the local kelp beds and is transported in the company's skiff (see photos) directly to the farm and then fed to the abalone.
Monterey Abalone Company
160 Municipal Wharf No.2 Monterey, California 93940
Tel/fax (831) 646-0350